1. 선수과목
- 지원을 하기 위해서는 학사 학위를 취득해야 합니다.
- 선수 과목은 미국 또는 캐나다 기관에서 입학 전까지 모두 이수 완료해야 합니다.
- HSDM에서는 Community College 코스와 AP 학점을 인정하고 있습니다.
All applicants to the DMD program must earn at least a bachelor’s degree by the time of enrollment.
All prerequisite courses must be completed by the time of matriculation. Candidates are required to
take the following courses at a U.S. or Canadian institution to be considered for admission:
The Admissions Committee strongly advises applicants to complete the prerequisite coursework,
particularly the science courses, at a four year institution.
However, HSDM accepts community college coursework and Advanced Placement (AP) credits.
* 과목별 이수에 대한 세부 사항은 학교 홈페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
*Credit hours for Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physics assume a 4 credit course/semester.
Students from universities operating on different credit-hour systems are required to complete the equivalent of
two full semesters.
**Mathematical Skills/Computational Science literacy is essential for a career in the health sciences. This requirement
may be fulfilled by two semesters of calculus or one semester of calculus and one semester of statistics (preferably
2. DAT
- 코로나 19의 영향으로 지원 시에 비공식적 DAT 점수를 이메일로 제출합니다.
- DAT 점수 인정 기간: 입학을 원하는 연도로부터 3 년 이내에 응시 점수만 인정됩니다.
- 입학 합격을 발표하기 전까지 공식 DAT 점수를 제출해야 합니다.
We understand that some applicants’ plans to take the DAT have been impacted by test rescheduling to
allow for social distancing or the temporary closure of DAT test centers due to COVID-19. In response to
this, HSDM will accept unofficial DAT scores this cycle.
Admissions will also consider DAT scores valid for three years from the start of the application cycle.
For 2021-2022 applicants, HSDM will accept DAT scores taken after June 15, 2019. We encourage applicants
whose test dates have been affected to reschedule their DAT as soon as possible and to email HSDM Admissions
unofficial scores to expedite the review process.
Please note that the Admissions Committee will require official DAT scores prior to releasing admissions decisions.
3. 추천서
- Committee로부터 받은 추천서 1부 또는 교수진 개별 추천서 3부 중 선택하여 제출합니다.
- 개별 추천서의 경우, 추천서 2부는 자연과학 계열 교수에게 받아야 합니다.
- 4개 이상부터 제출은 선택 사항입니다. 이 때, 대부분 지원자들은 쉐도잉 경험을 함께 한 치과의사로부터 온
추천서를 제출합니다.
HSDM requires three individual letters of evaluation or one letter from a Pre-Health Committee.
Three individual letters should be from faculty members who can speak to an applicant's academic abilities
and potential for success in the program and field.
At least two of these letters must be from professors in the sciences. Students may choose to submit
a fourth letter of evaluation.
Please note : HSDM does not accept personal references.